| 1. | And the messengers departed and brought word back to him 使者就去将话回覆便哈达。 |
| 2. | I bring word from the oracle . you must come at once 先知请你们立刻赶来 |
| 3. | Then benaiah brought word to the king again , saying , thus has joab said , and thus has he answered me 比拿雅就回话给王说,约押如此说,如此回答我。 |
| 4. | They brought word that catherine was ill : too ill to quit her room ; and heathcliff would not suffer them to see her 他们捎回口信说凯瑟琳病了-病得离不开她的屋子,希刺克厉夫不许他们去见她。 |
| 5. | The same evening a house - serf coming from borovsk brought word that he had seen an immense army entering that town 就在当天晚上,从博罗夫斯克来了一名杂役,他说,他看到了大批法国军队开进城里。 |
| 6. | Then he said to him , " go now and see about the welfare of your brothers and the welfare of the flock , and bring word back to me . " so he sent him from the valley of hebron , and he came to shechem 创37 : 14以色列说、你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安、群羊平安不平安、就回来报信给我于是打发他出希伯仑谷、他就往示剑去了。 |
| 7. | Six cossacks had been left behind , two versts from mikulino , where the wood bordered the road . they were to bring word at once as soon as any fresh columns of french came into sight 游击队在米库林纳和沙姆舍沃的两端布置了监视岗哨,在米库林纳村后两里路,森林靠近大路的地方,布置了六名哥萨克,只要一有法国军队出现,就立刻报告。 |
| 8. | He brought word shes moved into the otradnoe enclosure ; there was howling there . shes moved meant that the mother wolf , of whom both knew , had moved with her cubs into the otradnoe copse , which was a small hunting preserve about two versts away 迁移所指的就是他们二人都知道的那只母狼和几只狼仔迁进了奥特拉德诺耶森林,这座林子离家有两俄里之遥,这是一片范围不大的林地。 |